Available Kittens
Available kittens updated as needed
Welcome to the page dedicated to our precious Maine Coon kittens, who are eagerly searching for their forever homes. As experienced breeders, we at Tarheel Paws take great pride in raising healthy and well-socialized kittens. While our Facebook page, "Tarheel Paws Maine Coons," provides a glimpse into the playful and loving nature of each kitten through adorable pictures, this tab is where you can truly get to know them.
If one of our little ones has captured your heart, do not hesitate to reach out to us at 828-289-5968. We would be more than happy to schedule a time for you to meet and potentially adopt your new furry companion.
Furthermore, to help you make the best decision for your family, we have included a brief paragraph beside each kitten to provide insight into their unique personality and traits. Additionally, we have listed their date of birth and parents, but to truly appreciate the exceptional lineage of our kittens, you can view their parents on our page "cats."
Rest assured, each of our kittens is up to date on their shots and have been thoroughly checked by a vet to ensure their health and well-being. We understand the importance of adopting a healthy kitten, and we can guarantee that our little ones are in the best possible condition.
We cannot wait to introduce you to our lovable and charming Maine Coon kittens. We are dedicated to finding the perfect match for each of our kittens and their new families. So, whether you are a first-time owner or a seasoned cat lover, we are here to assist you in this exciting journey of welcoming a new member to your family. Thank you for considering our precious babies to be a part of your home.
If you're looking for a new furry family member, look no further than Raven! This smart kitty is sure to bring joy and companionship into your home. Born on October 14th, 2024 to her loving parents Lavender and Yeti, Raven takes after her mother in both looks and personality. But don't let her intelligence fool you – Raven knows the importance of playtime and makes sure to prioritize it above all else. With her inquisitive nature, she notices everything around her and loves to explore and learn. Plus, with her friendly and sociable personality, she gets along well with other kitties. Make your family complete with Raven – the perfect addition to any home.
Daughter of Lavender and Yeti, she was born on October 14th, 2024. With her stunning blue coat and striking red markings, including a perfect stripe down her face, Sparrow is a true standout. And with her polydactyl trait, she's not only unique but also has extra toes, making her even more adorable.
But Sparrow's beauty is not just skin deep. She's the most polite and playful girl you'll ever meet. And with a calm demeanor, she's the perfect companion for anyone looking for a laid-back feline friend.
She's a true sweetheart who will steal your heart with just one look. Sparrow is ready to be a part of your family and make memories that will last a lifetime. So don't wait, come meet her today and see for yourself why she's the purrfect choice for your new furry friend.
This little one was born on October 9th, 2024 She is the daughter of Rocky & Holly
Honey is a true Princess, From the moment she was born, she has been a bundle of joy, always up for snuggles and seeking the attention of humans.
One thing you'll quickly notice about Honey is that she is extremely talkative. She loves to express her thoughts and feelings, making her the most chatty baby girl we've had in a long time. And who wouldn't want a little chatterbox to brighten up their day?
She loves to be pampered and adored, making her the perfect candidate for putting bows in her hair and carrying her around in your purse.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to welcome this adorable brown tabby female kitten into your home. Contact us today to make Honey a part of your loving family.
Look no further, as we have the perfect addition to your family waiting for you. Her name is Ember and she was born on October 9th, 2024. Ember is the embodiment of sugar and spice, just like her stunning, multi-colored coat suggests. She has a unique black marking on the inner corner of her eye. She is a true calico girl, full of unique and playful energy that will surely steal your heart.
Holly and Rocky are the proud parents of our little Ember. Ember has been raised in a warm and welcoming environment, surrounded by our love and attention.
Contact us today and let's make Ember a part of your forever home.
Arlo is a male born on Aug.16, one of seven in the litter. Son to Rocky and Lola. Very outgoing and sweet boy who will make the perfect addition to any household.
Juniper SOLD
Juniper is Daughter to Rocky & Lola. She is spitting image of her mother in color and personality, shes very inquisitive & playful just like her mommy. Will make a very good companion for anyone. One of Seven born Aug.16
Janis SOLD
Janis is a Female, Born August 16th. She comes from a litter of Seven. Janis parents are our beloved Lola being the mom & Rocky being the dad, which can be found under our "cats" tab on this website.
Phoenix SOLD
Phoenix is a male kitten, He is the only red in a litter of 7, all his siblings are blue. Special boy he is. He was born Aug. 16th. Tons of spunk & personality comes with that thick red coat. Son of Rocky & Lola whom are located under our "cats" tab above.
Marley SOLD
Marley is a baby boy, born on August 16th. Marley talks & "chirps" 24/7 .. very sweet boy, very adventurous & isnt afraid of anything. Perfect cuddle companion for anyone in need. He is one of 7 in his litter, whoever secures this sweetie will be blessed. With the looks of his mom Lola & personality of his dad, Rocky hes the perfect mix.
Wolf is a Male kitten. Son of Lola & Rocky, perfect mix of both with his dads size & beautiful Muzzel but moms beautiful blue color. Wolf is a little shy at first but he has the cutest personality, getting to know him is a pleasure. If youre looking for a calm Big love to gawk at he is for you. (those ear tips are to die for!!)
Sequoia SOLD
Sequoia is a Beautiful female kitten born Aug 16. She already knows how to give kisses & loves to play. Sequoia is in a litter of two, daughter to Rocky & Electra meaning shes going to be Beautiful and a huge girl. Sequoia comes from same pairing as Picasso under "cats" "kings" tab to get an idea of how much she will blossom. Going to be perfect addition to any household.
Nirvana SOLD
Nirvana is a Gorgeous baby boy, his favorite part of the day is play time! Nirvana is one of seven babies but his personality is one in a million. Nirvana has been accustomed to being around dogs and cats so no worries if you have those at home. Son of Rocky & Lola. born Aug.16
Henna SOLD
Talk about a Beauty!!! this girl is stunning. Hennas sister is Sequoia, they are the only two in the litter of Electra & Rocky. Very good personality as well. she loves to purr and play. This girl has a special spot in our hearts. Born Aug.16